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Choose from a selection of original and licensed characters to compete with fighting gameplay

Choose from a selection of original and licensed characters to compete with fighting gameplay

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Program license: Free

Developer: Ubisoft Entertainment

Version: 8.07

Works under: Android

Also available for Windows


Program license

(13 votes)




Ubisoft Entertainment


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  • Dynamic and fast-paced gameplay
  • Wide array of characters and weapons
  • Smooth performance on Android devices
  • Exclusive characters from popular franchises


  • Some issues with character balance
  • Reports of spamming during battles


Brawlhalla is a dynamic and engaging fighting game for Android that offers a variety of colorful characters, weapons, and arenas to battle in. Published by Ubisoft, it includes exclusive characters from popular franchises such as WWE and the Ninja Turtles, providing an added layer of excitement for fans of these series.

Gameplay and Features

Brawlhalla presents players with a fast-paced, action-packed gameplay experience. It boasts an impressive roster of characters, each with unique abilities and weapons, which can be unlocked as players progress. The weapons, despite being categorized similarly, have distinct attributes that add to the strategic element of the game.

Exclusive characters from Ubisoft's other franchises and popular franchises such as WWE and Ninja Turtles further enhance the game's appeal. The anticipated addition of characters from the upcoming Assassin's Mobile in 2023 shows Ubisoft's commitment to expanding and updating the game.

Performance and User Experience

The game performs well on Android devices, providing smooth, lag-free battles. However, some users have expressed concerns over the balance between characters, with some appearing significantly more powerful than others. For instance, characters like Xull reportedly require fewer hits to win compared to characters like Red Raptor.

Some players also reported issues with spamming in the game, suggesting the introduction of a cooldown mechanic to curb this issue. While these concerns may affect the competitive balance of the game, they do not detract from the overall fun and excitement of the gameplay.


Brawlhalla is an enjoyable and exciting fighting game that offers a wide range of characters, weapons, and arenas for players to explore. Despite some issues with character balance and spamming, it remains a popular and engaging choice for mobile gamers. With Ubisoft's ongoing updates and the anticipation of new characters, Brawlhalla promises to continue delivering an entertaining gaming experience.


  • Dynamic and fast-paced gameplay
  • Wide array of characters and weapons
  • Smooth performance on Android devices
  • Exclusive characters from popular franchises


  • Some issues with character balance
  • Reports of spamming during battles